Hi, I'm Gerald

Professional software engineer and full stack developer




As a highly skilled, versatile, and experienced full-stack developer, I am an experienced software engineer with deep knowledge of backend systems, databases, data warehousing, data engineering, and building data-driven products and services, and a skilled Java/Kotlin, native mobile, Flutter, and React web developer with the ability to build web-scale, high-performance, full-stack systems ahead of schedule.
I have been involved in projects ranging from quick MVP creation to solid development and developed successful applications through multiple iterations over the years. I pride myself on my attention to detail and finding simple, practical solutions to problems.
I'm interested in algorithmic-level efficiency on software development and have experience with front-end and back-end technologies and frameworks. I love learning anything, especially if it helps me improve my skills.
With a keen eye for detail and a passion for delivering high quality work, I'm able to create dedicated to creating beautiful, user-friendly experiences that delight our users.

Front-End Web Developer

Front-End Developer

Back-end Developer

Back-end Developer

Mobile Developer

Mobile Developer

Blockchain Developer

Blockchain Developer


What I have done so far

Work Experience.

Avenis Oy

Software Developer

Avenis Oy

  • Developed and maintained JEE web applications using Spring Boot framework.
  • Worked in agile teams consisting of a back-end developer, a front-end developer, a QA, a BA, and a product owner
  • Scaled back-end services for routing engines to run throughputs in the range of 800,000, around 10K requests per second
  • Developed simple REST API Spring Boot 2 back-end applications using a combination of blocking and non-blocking(Reactive) endpoints
  • Developed the core back-end infrastructure to manage 80+ microservices, including CI/CD, authentication, service discovery, and edge layer API gateway
  • Implemented Java Azure AD security libraries to help with OpenID Connect (JWT) protocol. This includes on behalf of access for BE to BE security integration
  • Migrated existing projects from Maven to Gradle and deployed to Azure using the Azure DevOps (VSTS) pipelines
06/2022 - 05/2024
Agency Leroy

Senior Web Developer (Remote)

Agency Leroy

  • Led the development of a cutting-edge e-commerce platform using React, enhancing user experience and increasing conversion rates by 20%
  • Implemented a 3D product visualization feature using Three.js, providing users with an interactive and immersive shopping experience
  • Integrated Node.js for server-side logic, optimizing application performance and reducing load times by 30%.
12/2019 - 05/2022
Vaihe Media

Software Developer (Remote)

Vaihe Media

  • As a software developer, designed and delivered numerous features for a highly distributed, multi-tenant web application that primarily targeted terabytes of data from SAS document management systems.
  • Built an Ajax front­end, back­end, and did full-stack development for the core document management web application using a JBoss Application Server, Seam, Spring, and JPA architecture.
  • Developed a SOAP/REST document management web service.
  • Created a back-end domain object-based security framework for a multi­tenant web application using Spring Security.
01/2018 - 11/2019
Spring Boot
React JS
Redux Toolkit
Tailwind CSS
Three JS
Babylon JS

My work


Following projects showcases my skills and experience through real-world examples of my work. Each project is briefly described with links to code repositories and live demos in it. It reflects my ability to solve complex problems, work with different technologies, and manage projects effectively.

source code
  • Visit the site
  • Saxandthecity

    On this site I have tried to realistically portray the living, breathing vibrancy of the city and the delightful gatherings of its delightful evenings. The main tech for this site was mern stack and using this I can make any kind of wonderful site.






    source code
  • Visit the site
  • corpdesign

    corpdesign is a digital studio based in Paris, France. This site mix art and code to build unique experiences. This site is passionate and aspire to create experiences that people truly enjoy. I worked as senior web developr and build this front-end with Three.js and React.js




    source code
  • Visit the site
  • flashliquidity

    flashliquidity is an blockchain and intelligent one-click custodial financial trading system. It uses AI algorithms and big data analysis to provide users with optimal investment strategies and suggestions, and help users achieve stable and efficient investment returns. Many cryptocurrency holders invest in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols in the hope of generating additional income.








    source code
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  • Service Desk

    This is the Desktop Application for the employers for Select Software. Select Software Telecommunications Services provides Cloud based Billing and CRM solutions as a service (SaaS) to telecommunication companies, carriers, MVNO’s and the like. The Selcomm™ Telco SaaS has been deployed to hundreds of Telecom providers covering a wide spectrum of business models and services.



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  • greentekreman

    In this project, I have worked as a Full-stack engineer. Here, I have designed Front-end by using Figma and implemented optimization of site. So, I improved speed of site much by optimizing database structure. Through this site, I got new knowledge optimization of site.





    source code
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  • thewodlife

    The vision of this site is to make it possible for everyone who wants to discover the world to enjoy smart, sustainable mobility. Ease of booking and an ever-growing offering mean that we provide millions of travelers with a comfortable, affordable, eco-friendly travel experience. I have developed the back-end system using Spring Boot and Hibernate.

    #Spring Boot


    source code
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  • bitxmi

    bitxmi is a crypto and trading experience website. bitxmi is a website that provides wonderful trading service for businesses and individuals. This site is developed using Vue.js and I worked as front-end developer.





    source code
  • Visit the site
  • gortons

    This site is a meal planning and grocery list generator for users. This helps people meal prep today, save time tomorrow, and eat healthy for life. Developed using angular framework





    Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

    Genesis University

    04/2014 - 06/2017


    Get in Touch
